Friday, January 12, 2007

New Media News - January 2007 - Debt - Inflation - US Bankruptcy - Sovereign Individuals vs. Corporate Elitism

New Media News - January 2007 - Debt - Inflation - US Bankruptcy - Sovereign Individuals vs. Corporate Elitism
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is that inflation is really zero for 2006. Hard to believe especially when the US Debt increase reported for the fiscal year ending in September 2006 was 4.6 trillion up from 3.5 trillion in 2005. Total federal “REPORTED” balance sheet obligations are up to 54.6 Trillion in 2006 up from 50 Trillion in 2005.

Now considering the truth where inflation is the product of the increase in money supply and money is based upon debt in our fiat capitalistic banker driven equity eating system that benefits those who create debt then if we look at the increase from 2005 to 2006 we see a 9.2% expansion in the money supply which relates directly to INFLATION. In fact it is inflation at is very prime meaning. Now of course it can be off set by statistics by many sources but when debt is increased in our monetary system we have increases in prices because it is the wellspring of currency which pushes prices up as money seeks to buy more stuff.

The last straw is to know who owns the debt and how they got trillions of dollars in debt owed to them. When this question is answered in the clear light of truth then the beginning of the solution is found. That solution will reveal to everyone that they have been scammed made so completely stupid and weak that anger will turn to rage and revenge and the world will change as the light of this truth will reveal the path to freedom from the deception.

The final recourse. Bankrupt to who? If the creditors are criminals who have scammed and conned nations out of their wealth and treasure then their criminal proceeds are not collectable. They are in fact exposed for what they are and will be dealt with by a future court of opinion that will hold their actions and deceptions under harsh scrutiny.

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