Friday, July 8, 2016



Population Cleansing Wars


By Gordon Duff,

It is a mistake to look on what has become endless wars, first centering in the Middle East, as struggles over religion, political theories, sectarian struggles or post-colonial realignments.  Each hypothesis fails.
Increasingly, intelligence analysts are agreeing on one thing, there is clear evidence of “game theory/chaos theory” with one clear purpose, to reduce populations in specific areas where key resources are in abundance.
The first hard evidence hit with the discoveries of Dr. Chris Busby, researching the effects of depleted uranium use in the Fallujah region of Iraq.  It took several years to get access to the area.  There was a reason.

The real reason we have so many police with quick trigger fingers who wrongly shoot

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The attack on America on 9-11-01 was falsely blamed on Mideast Islamics and their nations, Afghanistan and Iraq.
It was used as a false premise to attack Afghanistan and Iraq and destroy their infrastructures, mass-murder millions of innocents and use American soldiers as cannon-fodder for the Khazarian Mafia and Israel.
A growing number of Americans are learning and most of the world already knows, 9-11-01 was a Gladio-style, inside-job, false-flag attack.
It was engineered and staged by American PNACers and top NeoCons, many Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and the Mossad with the help of traitors in the JCS, the US Administration, the USAF, NORAD and the FAA.
The USG did a phony cover-up investigation and left out a classified 28 page section blaming Saudi financing and assistance for involvement and this was fall back denial of blame methodology used.
When a law was first proposed in Congress to allow Saudi Arabia to be sued for 9-11-01, an article was published in a Saudi newspaper claiming that such blame was false and most of the world already knew that America did it to themselves.
This 28-page classified section implicates Saudi Arabia and is just another layer of false-blame to fall back on when the America masses discover the real perpetrators.
Why is the fact that no one responsible has been prosecuted for 9-11-01 or its illegal cover-up so important?
Some might think, “that was so long ago why not just let this wound to America heal?”
Why does it matter that the cover-up is still being maintained at the highest levels? There are many good reasons why this cancer on America must be completely diagnosed and surgically removed.
The same people who did it are still in power and Intel insiders have fingered them as top Khazarian Mafia kingpins. And they have made sure their candidate was elected who would continue their cover-up and continue implementing the Globalist NWO “One-world” Agenda.
These same folks that did 9-11-01 usually always gain control of the Presidential elections and key appointments to Congressional committees.

This assures that puppets with dark backgrounds can be placed in power and can be easily blackmailed into submission, and thus do whatever is necessary to keep these major State crimes covered up forever while they advance the KM’s  Globalist NWO “One-world under their control” Agenda.
Such cover-up actions like the one used for 9-1-01 are always the main objective when the KM makes sure their political choices are selected by voters including POTUS. And President Obama has done just that, kept this Great Crime of 9-11-01 covered up. But you can expect that this same process of controlling whom is elected POTUS is being used in this very upcoming election.
As usual the American people are going to be played and continually psyopped by the Khazarian Mafia Select Few Kingpins that pull the strings and keep engineering and staging all these American Gladio-style, inside-job, false-flag attacks like Sandy Hoax, the Boston Marathon black powder puffer bombing that killed and injured nobody.
But why does it matter to America and We The People?
The answers to this question would fill a book the size of a phone book, but let’s examine the most important ones.
On 9-11-01 about 3,000 human beings were murdered in cold blood. Since then about 39,000 first responders and locals have died from the toxic dust exposure, evidence shows was radioactive as well as containing asbestos.
The thousands of mass casualties and deaths caused by these 9-11-01 perps must be avenged. To do that they must all be indicted, arrested, tried in military courts for treason with very short trials and then convicted and hung by the neck until dead on a military gallows like those involved in the assassination of President Lincoln.
About 69,000 are struggling with weird cancers and lung disorder right now just trying to stay alive. these murders and all these sick survivors that are suffering horribly must be completely avenged.
It is quite easy to identify the actual perps who did it.
Just do some in depth internet research and carefully evaluate the vast evidence available including who shorted American Airline stock right before 9-11-01.
Because we have a completely compromised President and Congress, a completely compromised FBI, CIA and DHS, this monstrous crime of 9-11-01 has has been covered up and remains covered up.
And we now know for certain that the Khazarian Mafia’s Gladio-style, inside-job, false-flag terror has been used as a false premise and excuse to set up their own private “Stasi-style” internal secret police force to gradually and systematically transform America into the world’s largest open-air prison camp, GAZA II, making Americans the New Palestinians.
The attack on 9-11-01 has this been used to falsely justify a huge national project to fully militarize the American police and and train them with IDF-based anti-terror, “empty your clip to stop the threat” police training strategy.
American Police have been trained by the ADL and IDF men, who have completely spooked many into becoming quick at the trigger.

And the KM’s strategy to keep cities dirtied up with drugs and to arm the drug gangs and criminals has created a powder keg and been responsible for spooking most urban cops at every traffic stop and every domestic call, making many quite twitchy at the trigger.
In addition, constant-on shoulder-held police radios have been implicated as factors in police murders of civilians, because they can create parietal or temporal psychomotor seizures in certain susceptible police officers.
During these psychomotor seizures, an officer can spontaneously act out in knee-jerk violence and have no awareness while doing so. And an increased baseline of fear adds significantly to this tendency to go into these spychomotor seizure states.
If you think this is a pure coincidence you are naive. The police radio systems were designed to do so.
The advent of new high capacity raid fire pistols instead of of the classical revolvers has added to this problem because police are trained to use rapid fire with hollow points which are not even allowed in war.
And this nationwide effort to militarize the police after 9-11-01 has resulted in the transfer of military arms to local police under the demented 1033 program.
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In return, the Chiefs must sign a secret transfer of jurisdiction to the feds.

This secret agreement is actually unConstitutional, illegal and null and void but gives the Alphabets a phony justification to lock down and take control of any crimes scene they want, especially those they sue in their new false-flags.
Some Chiefs and Sheriffs have been given duffel bags of unmarked bills to encourage them to sign. The answer is the Tenth Amendment and a new commitment by We The People to wake up and take our Republic back from the Khazarian Mafia Banksters.
Those American activists who declare this truth in order to expose and stop this KM onslaught are themselves labelled domestic terrorists and enemies of the state, are placed on no fly lists, no work lists and continually surveyed, with some gang-stalked by FBI and CIA subcontractors.
Sandy Hoax 7
The CIA and he Mossad are private Intel agencies of the City of London private central Banksters, which is a worldwide franchise system that is at the core of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). And the FBI is the KM’s secret cover-up and blackmail agency and works with the CIA and the Mossad to set up, deploy and then cover-up American false-flags like 9-11-01, Sandy Hoax, the fake Boston marathon black powder puffer bombing.

As a part of a long term Globalist NWO Agenda for the KM, the CIA has supplied guns to urban gangs, drug cartels in Mexico and central and south America and sold them on the criminal black market for many years. The CIA has used certain Indian Reservations to manufacture unmarked weapons. The CIA has acquired some from which were confiscated by police departments to sell to criminals.
This is all part of a Khazarian Mafia (KM) plan to create massive chaos in urban centers to advance their Globalist NWO Agenda and it has worked quite well so far.


The working formula for the KM’s Globalist NWO “One-world Government run by them plan” is to create maximum chaos, crime, death and suffering in major America cities. This is then used to justify big Law Enforcement budgets and more freedom robbing draconian laws which give the Federal Governments more and more power.
Unless Americans rise up at every level (including inside these twisted, sick evil US Agencies like the Alphabets and the Pentagon) there will continue to be more of these KM gladio-style, inside-job, false-flag psyops deployed to increase the fears of the police and to make them trigger happy.
Not only do these false-flags increase the fear of the police and make them more quick to the trigger, but they raise the fear-level of the American people and result in them arming up to protect themselves.
This is a perfect formula for a staged civil war, which has likely been planned by the Khazarian Mafia for America for a long time. With the KM it seems to always be an habitual replay of events. They set up the American Civil War under President Lincoln, and now are likely doing the same under President Obama.

Not only was it found that fertility had been suppressed and the region plagued with the onslaught of horrific birth defects but that samples taken from the local population indicated that it wasn’t just depleted uranium but pure, weapons-grade U-235 that was found.
A generational Crime Against Humanity is taking place with no one even being sought for prosecution
Not only were nuclear weapons used in Iraq but purposefully “dirty” weapons, not the more modern MRR (Minimal Residual Radiation) 3rd and 4thgeneration nukes developed at Livermore Labs in California after 1991.
It was at that time that their weapons program not only bifurcated into a highly classified area but largely went “dark” with top weapons physicists being kept “out of the loop.”
Thus, we find the use of dirty weapons, never meant to win a battle or reduce an enemy stronghold but to destroy a race.
Then, of course, there is still the issue of the endless tons of depleted uranium, not just Iraq but Gaza, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and perhaps even Syria.
Much of what we are witnessing was predicted by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who outlined exactly what we are seeing in his book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives.
“In that context, how America ‘manages’ Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions.
A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania (Australia) geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent.
About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (p.31)

Brzezinski and his crystal ball – he warned us, and still is
Brzezinski goes further, in fact our last two decades are based on his works, efforts he clearly now wishes could be reversed.
“Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. Nevertheless, the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being.
The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” (p 31)
There we see before us, 9/11 outlined long before the marriage of Israeli and neocon fanatic, PNAC (Project for a New American Century) transcribed Brzezinski’s prediction into an action plan, a “New Pearl Harbor,” 9/11, a list of 8 nations to dismember, a timetable, initially ending in 2005.
Gwyneth Todd, former White House National Council
Veterans Today editor, Gwyneth Todd, while in meetings with Paul Wolfowitz and Ahmed Chalabi, was told of their plans.
First Iraq, then Iran, then the Caspian Basin, war after war to be orchestrated through false flag terrorism, invented intelligence, imaginary nuclear threats, all financed with profits from oil theft, drug running and the looting of the American economy.
There, the neocons differed from Brzezinski who had only looked on taking down the Soviet empire.  His template, in their hands, did, as predicted, not only destroy democracy in America but America itself.
Toward that end, we may well want to turn to a realistic examination of the disaster at Fukashima.  Conspiracy theorists claim the events leading to the nuclear disaster that dwarfs Chernobyl was caused by a nuclear weapon transferred by submarine from Germany.  A mysterious organization is named.
Hundreds of the world’s top scientists cite Fukashima as a potential “extinction event.”
A recent article by Kevin Barrett, writing for Press TV, outlines the track record of those labeled conspiracy theorists compared to what most now realize has been a conventional media likely tasked with mislabeling very real conspiracies as fantasy.

CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein carry out chemical weapons attack on Iran' in 1988 under Ronald Reagan

The United States helped Saddam Hussein attack Iran with chemical weapons in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war, it has been claimed.
Ronald Regan's administration, who supported the Iraqi dictator topple two decades later by the Bush government, fed information to Baghdad that helped them launch strikes.
U.S. officials gave Saddam's army details about the whereabouts of Iranian forces in 1988 knowing that he would deploy chemical weapons, Foreign Policy magazine reported.
Forces: Iraqi soldiers seen in 1980 at the start of the eight-year conflict with Iran. An estimated 20,000 Iranian troops were gassed to death
Forces: Iraqi soldiers seen in 1980 at the start of the eight-year conflict with Iran. An estimated 20,000 Iranian troops were gassed to death
'Support': Secret documents reveal that former President Ronald Reagan's administration acquiesced in Iraq's use of chemical weapons
'Support': Secret documents reveal that former President Ronald Reagan's administration acquiesced in Iraq's use of chemical weapons
Iraq used mustard gas and sarin in early 1988 in four major offensives which helped bring about the end of the eight-year conflict.
During the whole war, up to 20,000 Iranian troops were killed by mustard gas and nerve agents from Iraq and 100,000 were wounded. They were able to launch the strikes after being given maps, satellite pictures and other intelligence by the U.S.
The Americans have always said that Iraq did not reveal that they would launch chemical strikes.
But documents released in the National Archives and interviews with former serviceman show that the U.S. acquiesced in the use of chemical weapons as they tried to help Saddam with the war

Retired Air Force Colonel Rick Francona, a military attache who was working in Baghdad in 1988, told Foreign Police magazine said that they knew what Saddam was planning.
'The Iraqis never told us that they intended to use nerve gas. They didn't have to. We already knew," he told Foreign Policy.
Official documents revealed that the U.S. officials were given detailed information about the use of nerve gas by the Iraqis during the conflict. They indicate that the Americans knew more about Saddam's use of chemical weapons than previously thought.
The CIA's Director of Central Intelligence William J Casey was given detailed intelligence about the efforts of Iraqi chemical weapons plants to produce mustard gas for troops.
Dictator: The U.S. supported Saddam Hussein during the war Iraq-Iran war. Two decades later, he was captured by U.S. troops after being felled
Dictator: The U.S. supported Saddam Hussein during the war Iraq-Iran war. Two decades later, he was captured by U.S. troops after being felled
The cache of newly-released documents also revealed that the Americans feared the Iranians may launch terror strikes against the U.S. around the world if they had evidence to suggest the Ronald Reagan's administration acquiesced in Saddam's use of chemical weapons.
One secret document from September 1984, headed 'The Islamic bomb: Chemical rather than nuclear?', revealed the scale of Iraq's chemical weapons programme.
It said: 'Iraq has over the last several years developed a substantial CW (chemical weapons) production capability.
Conflict: Iranian soldiers praying during operation Nasser VII, northwest of the Irano-Iraqi front in August 1987
Conflict: Iranian soldiers praying during operation Nasser VII, northwest of the Irano-Iraqi front in August 1987
'CIA presently estimates that Iraq is capable of producing at least two tons per day of the nerve agent.'
Another document, marked 'Top Secret' from January 1985, indicated that the Iraqis would use chemical weapons against Iran. It said: 'The Iraqis have used chemical weapons in three separate battles beginning in August 1983 and will use chemical weapons on a wide scale in the event of another major Iranian attack.' The Geneva Protocol of 1925, which the Americans had ratified in 1975, states undertake that they will not use chemical weapons and agree they 'will exert every effort to induce other States' to do the same.

Michael Shrimpton
There was a “whistleblower,” Michael Shrimpton.  He was arrested by the Thames Valley Police, his computers and “thumb drives” seized.
Months later incriminating photos were found on his encrypted drives used to store intelligence documents.  However, upon forensic examination, the “evidence” against Shrimpton was shown to have been created after the drives were in police custody.
Despite this fact and wide backing within the intelligence community, Shrimpton is charged with the crime of reporting a terrorist threat.
What Shrimpton, a loyal British conservative, has been reluctant to believe is that those who are trying to destroy him are complicit in the acts themselves, not just Fukashima but a nuclear threat against the London Olympics as well.

You didn’t know, after all, the newspapers didn’t report it.  A “device” was seized, 550 kiloton (thermonuclear), found 8 miles from the stadium.  But then, as Dr. Barrett would say, “just another conspiracy theory.”
Rachel Carson – to whom we all owe a lot – a giant of her time
In 1962, Rachel Carson warned the world, in her book, The Silent Spring, of the destruction the petrochemical industry was unleashing with their pesticides.  Soon afterward, Carson was dead and “environmentalism” was soon labeled “conspiracy theory.”
Today, over half the world’s food supply is suspect, genetically engineered, not just crops but animals as well, a “Frankensteinian” food supply, animals that aren’t animals, drugged, “enhanced,” capable of introducing, not just diseases to humans but altering the nature of humanity as well.
Carson’s book described an America gone silent, insects, birds, and amphibians dying off.  Those of us old enough remember a very different outdoors than the one we see today.
What was done to Animal life may well have been a precursor to what we are seeing done to humanity itself, most particularly in the Middle East.
Here, the Brzezinski model, the PNAC model, the Zionist “Greater Israel” model, come together.  One thing stands in the way of the success of the “Grand Chessboard” more than any other, that thing is “people.”
An inexorably conclusion based on any rational examination of recent history with appropriate intelligence “modeling” applied is that we are missing a “prime mover.”
We are missing a “conspiracy.”
We now have endless evidence, long entered into supercomputers, evidence of manufactured terrorism, sectarian violence, phony revolutions, manipulation of thoughts and beliefs, patterns that could be missed by the public but clear to any professional.
Sections of planet Earth are being systematically made uninhabitable, radiation, disease, corruption, violence, orchestrated hate and fear, a very real conspiracy.
Domino Theory game still being played in endless adaptions
The “Domino Theory” was the basis of the Truman Doctrine, the geopolitical effort to encircle and suppress the growth of communism, a theory developed by Secretary of State George Marshall.
Saving Europe, the “Marshall Plan” was part of it.  Enslaving the Middle East, creating the State of Israel and spreading inhuman dictatorships around the world was another.
Toward that end, what some mistake as the policy of the United States and “NATO,” was then characterized and oversimplified under what historians still term, “the Cold War.”
Conspiracy theorists see it differently.  They see beyond politics, beyond “class struggle,” beyond regional and sectarian movers.  They see the “unseen.”
The point is a simple one.  Are there groups capable of orchestrating world strife in a heartless and inhuman manner to serve an agenda so evil and hideous as to poison the world with radiation and disease, to treat the world as a “Grand Chessboard,” pitting nation against nation?
A document, long discredited, called, in short, “The Protocols,” offers one hypothesis loaded with interesting predictions.  It is historically lazy to turn to such a simplistic explanation, one “fed” to the world.
If conspiracy is real, and intelligence modeling affirms that hypothesis, that a “Grand Chessboard” does, in actuality, exist, that the world is being “played” into a period of population decline, of “cleansing,” of wars, of pestilence, of famine, where have we heard those terms before?
What are the odds of our being pawns…or even worse?
As with the science of astronomy, today’s sophisticated adaptive intelligence capabilities, can predict the unseen.  Astronomers find objects in space simply by their gravitational effect on nearby bodies.
This tells astronomers where to look and as technology has advanced, time after time predictions based on their modeling have resulted in “hard evidence” confirmation.
We are at that point in game and chaos theory modeling.  We have found the unseen but are not allowed to follow the prescribed path toward confirmation.
No real 9/11 investigation was allowed.  In fact, almost nothing is ever “investigated,” nothing that will lead toward exposing “the unseen” hands that move the pieces on the Grand Chessboard.
The only “program” that is run is the one that runs us.  Some call it “Hollywoodism,” some call it the “mainstream media.”
All should call it tyranny.  It is, in actuality, far worse than simple tyranny.  We are being erased.
A doll is seen amongst beds at a kindergarten in Ukraine's ghost town of Pripyat, in April 2006
A doll is seen amongst beds at a kindergarten in Ukraine's ghost town of Pripyat, in April 2006
Prypiat in the Ukraine, the Chernobyl worker's town evacuated after the disaster
Prypiat in the Ukraine, the Chernobyl worker's town evacuated after the disaster
Bumper cars at a once popular amusement park stand abandoned in Pripyat, two miles away from the Chernobyl nuclear plant
Bumper cars at a once popular amusement park stand abandoned in Pripyat, two miles away from the Chernobyl nuclear plant
A view of the ferris wheel in the deserted town of Pripyat, near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine
A view of the ferris wheel in the deserted town of Pripyat, near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine
The Chernobyl nuclear power station is seen from Ukraine's ghost town of Pripyat
The Chernobyl nuclear power station is seen from Ukraine's ghost town of Pripyat
Wall shadow paintings outside the Palace of Culture in Pripyat town. Chernobyl exclusion zone, Ukraine
Wall shadow paintings outside the Palace of Culture in Pripyat town. Chernobyl exclusion zone, Ukraine
In April 2006 marked the 20th anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster, when a reactor at the Chernobyl plant exploded, spreading a radioactive cloud across Europe and the Soviet Union.
But as these pictures show, there was no-one there to remember.
Some 50,000 residents from and around Pripyat were evacuated after the 1986 accident. Now, 27 years after the Chernobyl disaster, the contaminated zone with the abandoned town of Pripyat has become a popular tourist destination for numerous visitors.
To this day in Pripyat there is the remains a fairground with a ferris wheel and bumper car ride that look frozen in time.
Another eerily quiet town is Kolmanskop in Namibia, southern Africa. Here sand dunes have enveloped what was a mining settlement on the Namibian Diamond Coast.
It was abandoned in the 1950s after the Second World War as diamond prices crashed, and operations moved to Oranjemund.
A man walks outside of the crumbling oval skeleton of the House of the Bulgarian Communist Party on mount Buzludzha in central Bulgaria
A man walks outside of the crumbling oval skeleton of the House of the Bulgarian Communist Party on mount Buzludzha in central Bulgaria
A man walks inside of the crumbling oval. Over two decades after the toppling of the regime they glorified, the megalomaniac monuments of the communist era are still standing
A man walks inside of the crumbling oval. Over two decades after the toppling of the regime they glorified, the megalomaniac monuments of the communist era are still standing
The United States Steel Company paid $385,000 toward the construction of this $1million Gothic beauty in Gary, Indiana, in the 1920s, but now the church lies in decay
The United States Steel Company paid $385,000 toward the construction of this $1million Gothic beauty in Gary, Indiana, in the 1920s, but now the church lies in decay
Abandoned: The City United Methodist Church in Gary, Indiana
Abandoned: The City United Methodist Church in Gary, Indiana
Sand dunes surround the abandoned houses of the ghost town of Kolmonskop, Namibia
Sand dunes surround the abandoned houses of the ghost town of Kolmonskop, Namibia
Sign of the times: Kolmanskop is a ghost mining town in the Sperrgebiet National Park, Namibia
Sign of the times: Kolmanskop is a ghost mining town in the Sperrgebiet National Park, Namibia
Sands of time: The interior of a house filled with sand in Kolmanskop, Namibia, Africa
Sands of time: The interior of a house filled with sand in Kolmanskop, Namibia, Africa
Two rooms. A ghost town buried in the sand at Kolmanskop, a mining town near Luderitz on the Namibian Diamond Coast
Two rooms. A ghost town buried in the sand at Kolmanskop, a mining town near Luderitz on the Namibian Diamond Coast
The town was abandoned in the 1950s after World War II as diamond prices crashed, and operations moved to Oranjemund
The town was abandoned in the 1950s after World War II as diamond prices crashed, and operations moved to Oranjemund
In Cyprus, deserted houses and streets are seen in the town of Varosha, in northern Cyprus. Varosha was a popular seaside resort until the Turkish invasion in 1974. It lies between the Turkish Cypriot north of the island and the Greek Cypriot south.
And in South Tyro in Northern Italy sightseers gather where the village of Graun once stood. Now just a church tower can be seen sticking out of the partially frozen Lake Reschen reservoir.
The village was destroyed and the valley flooded in 1950, due to damming up the Etsch river to produce electricity.
Abandoned hotels in Varosha, the Greek Cypriot resort town of Famagusta, remain sealed off to people and settlements despite an easing of checkpoint crossings on the ethnically divided island
Abandoned hotels in Varosha, the Greek Cypriot resort town of Famagusta, remain sealed off to people and settlements despite an easing of checkpoint crossings on the ethnically divided island
Beach umbrellas on Palm Beach bordering the ghost town of Varosha, abandoned during the Turkish invasion of 1974
Beach umbrellas on Palm Beach bordering the ghost town of Varosha, abandoned during the Turkish invasion of 1974
Deserted houses and streets in the deserted town of Varosha, in northern Cyprus
Deserted houses and streets in the deserted town of Varosha, in northern Cyprus
Derelict apartment blocks and crumbling hotels riddled with bullet holes sit on empty beaches behind barbed-wire fencing after Varosha's 15,000 residents fled in 1974
Derelict apartment blocks and crumbling hotels riddled with bullet holes sit on empty beaches behind barbed-wire fencing after Varosha's 15,000 residents fled in 1974
In the U.S., perhaps the best known abandoned building across the nation stands derelict. The abandoned Michigan Central Station is seen in Detroit, Michigan.
The city is a part of America's Midwestern 'Rust Belt', the heartland of the country and home to big unionised manufacturers like the auto and steel industries.
For years, Michigan Central Station, the towering train depot on the outskirts of downtown Detroit, stood as a haunting symbol of the city's decline and fall.
People take pictures in front of the former church tower of the village of Graun in South Tyrol which sticks out of the partially frozen Lake Reschen reservoir in northern Italy
People take pictures in front of the former church tower of the village of Graun in South Tyrol which sticks out of the partially frozen Lake Reschen reservoir in northern Italy
The village was destroyed and the valley flooded in 1950, due to damming up the Etsch river to produce electricity
The village was destroyed and the valley flooded in 1950, due to damming up the Etsch river to produce electricity
The last train pulled out of the station in 1988, shortly before the Honda Accord became the best-selling car in America, a humbling milestone for the city and its top industry.
Continuing the industrial theme, old locomotives are seen in a train cemetery in Uyuni, near a salt flat some 290 miles south of La Paz.
These locomotives and freight cars were part of Bolivia's first railway network that carried minerals between Uyuni and Antofagasta, Chile, nearly a century ago, according to local media.
Rust belt: The abandoned Michigan Central Station is seen in Detroit, Michigan
Rust belt: The abandoned Michigan Central Station is seen in Detroit, Michigan
The Michigan Central Train depot sits vacant just west of downtown Detroit, Michigan
The Michigan Central Train depot sits vacant just west of downtown Detroit, Michigan
Rusty steam locomotives are also pictured left abandoned at a locomotive graveyard at Thessaloniki, in Greece. The hulks include those of an American S160, Austrian 2-10-0 and 2-8-0, and other 2-8-0 steam locomotives.
In Japan, an aerial view of Battleship Island shows the site of an abandoned coal mining operation in Nagasaki Harbour.
Miners and their families lived on the island in apartment complexes and worked the tunnels underground.
Old locomotives are seen in a train cemetery in Uyuni, near a salt flat some 290 miles south of La Paz
Old locomotives are seen in a train cemetery in Uyuni, near a salt flat some 290 miles south of La Paz
End of the line: An old locomotive at the train cemetery in Potosi, Bolivia
End of the line: An old locomotive at the train cemetery in Potosi, Bolivia
Out of steam: Rusting machines at the Uyuni train cemetery, in Altiplano, Potosi, Bolivia
Out of steam: Rusting machines at the Uyuni train cemetery, in Altiplano, Potosi, Bolivia
Rusty steam locomotives abandoned at a locomotive graveyard at Thessaloniki, in Greece
Rusty steam locomotives abandoned at a locomotive graveyard at Thessaloniki, in Greece
Closer to home, the eerie sight of derelict Maunsell Forts in the Thames Estuary can be seen. These were small fortified towers built in the Thames and Mersey estuaries built during the Second World War to help defend Britain from invasion.
They were named after their designer, Guy Maunsell. The forts were decommissioned in the late 1950s and later used for other activities.
One became the Principality of Sealand; boats visit the remaining forts occasionally, and a consortium called Project Redsands is now planning to conserve the fort situated at Redsand.
Ship wrecks rusting on the shores of the beach of Nouadhibou, one of the largest ship wreck cemeteries worldwide, Mauritania, north-western Africa
Ship wrecks rusting on the shores of the beach of Nouadhibou, one of the largest ship wreck cemeteries worldwide, Mauritania, north-western Africa
An aerial view of Battleship Island, the site of an abandoned coal mining operation in Nagasaki Harbour
An aerial view of Battleship Island, the site of an abandoned coal mining operation in Nagasaki Harbour
Nara Dreamland, was closed in 2006, due to lack of visitors. Nara Dreamland is an abandoned amusement park in Nara, Japan. It operated from 1961 up to 2006, when it was closed due to lack of visitors
Closed for business: Nara Dreamland, was closed in 2006, due to lack of visitors
Nara Dreamland is an abandoned amusement park in Nara, Japan. It operated from 1961 up to 2006, when it was closed due to lack of visitors
Nara Dreamland is an abandoned amusement park in Nara, Japan. It operated from 1961 up to 2006, when it was closed due to lack of visitors
Light shines through the windows inside the empty main hall of the decaying Nicosia International Airport
Light shines through the windows inside the empty main hall of the decaying Nicosia International Airport
An abandoned Cyprus Airways plane lies on the tarmac at the decaying Nicosia International Airport
An abandoned Cyprus Airways plane lies on the tarmac at the decaying Nicosia International Airport
Nicosia International Airport is an abandoned airport of the Cypriot capital of Nicosia. It was originally the main airport for the island, but the commercial activity ceased after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
Nicosia International Airport is an abandoned airport of the Cypriot capital of Nicosia. It was originally the main airport for the island, but the commercial activity ceased after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
Long departed: Nicosia International Airport was originally the main airport for the island, but the commercial activity ceased after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
Long departed: Nicosia International Airport was originally the main airport for the island, but the commercial activity ceased after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
An abandoned Cyprus Airways plane is seen on the tarmac through the shattered glass in a hangar building
An abandoned Cyprus Airways plane is seen on the tarmac through the shattered glass in a hangar building
Derelict Maunsell Forts in the Thames Estuary
Set adrift: Derelict Maunsell Forts in the Thames Estuary
Closer to home: Derelict Second World War Maunsell Forts built to defend Britain from invasion
Closer to home: Derelict Second World War Maunsell Forts built to defend Britain from invasion

  • An old Cold War missile silo on 8.3 acres of land in upstate New York is being sold as a one family home for $750K. The missle silo was decommissioned in 1960 and the missile was removed from the property
  • The silo comes complete with an underground bunker and authentic, though non-working, military equipment
  • Realtors are charging perspective owners $375 just to see the property

In the market for a new home? A 1960's cold wold missile silo with a fully converted bunker can be all yours for just $750,000.
The missile silo, located Lewis, New York, that once held an Atlas missile, but was decommissioned in 1960 and emptied of all sensitive equipment, is now being sold as a one family home.
Complete with escape hatches, warning signs, rooms filled with control panels, one bedroom, and one bath, the silo sits on 8.3 acres of upstate farm land with a beautiful waterfront view on to the foot of the Adirondack mountains.
Seen from an aerial view, this decommissioned Cold War missile silo in Lewis, New York is being sold as a single family for $750K. The silo lies on 8.3 acres of upstate farm land
The Property: Seen from an aerial view, this decommissioned Cold War missile silo in Lewis, New York is being sold as a single family for $750K. The silo lies on 8.3 acres of upstate farm land
The View: The missile silo sits on 8.3 acres of land that looks out on to the Adirondack mountains. The property also has a private pond and stream running through it
View: The missile silo sits on 8.3 acres of land that looks out on to the Adirondack mountains. The property also has a private pond and stream running through it
Underground: The bedroom is located in the silo's underground bunker in what used to be the Launch Control Center
Underground: The bedroom is located in the silo's underground bunker in what used to be the Launch Control Center
Realtor Brian Dominic told KGW Portland that the house is so popular, his company is charging $375 just to see it.
'We'll probably get 1,000 inquiries via emails, probably 100 phone calls and that will lead to a handful of people that will actually visit the property,' Dominic told the station.
The two-story missile silo has 32,000 square feet, and is equipped with one bedroom, a utilitarian 'cook top' kitchen, and one full bath.
However the perspective home is bit of a fixer-upper, as the listing notes the basement is partially unfinished.
Secure: The Cold War missile bunker is fully equipped with heavy gun-metal gray blast doors that are both a good security system and can withstand nuclear fallout
Secure: The Cold War missile bunker is fully equipped with heavy gun-metal gray blast doors that are both a good security system and can withstand nuclear fallout
Equipment: The missile silo comes fully stocked with old military equipment, that though it no longer works makes for interesting home decorations
Equipment: The missile silo comes fully stocked with old military equipment, that though it no longer works makes for interesting home decorations
Silo: The old missile silo that used to hold the Atlas missile now stand empty and rusted after years of disuse
Silo: The old missile silo that used to hold the Atlas missile now stand empty and rusted after years of disuse
Industrial: The decommissioned missile military complex looks less homey and more industrial with metal grates and steel doors throughout it
Industrial: The decommissioned missile military complex looks less homey and more industrial with metal grates and steel doors throughout it
The silo-home is even located in a good school district, according to the online listing.
No longer an active missile base, the silo is still full of quirky details that do have a certain Cold War charm.
The rooms are filled with light up control stations, heavy metal doors, and rusted military equipment, as well as, 'ominous red lights, blast doors, and an emergency exit,' according to
Rooms: The missile silo comes complete with a utilitarian kitchen that's advertised as having a refrigerator and 'cook top'
Rooms: The missile silo comes complete with a utilitarian kitchen that's advertised as having a refrigerator and 'cook top'
Living space: The living room is located in the old launch control center and furnished with authentic retro looking furniture
Living space: The living room is located in the old launch control center and furnished with authentic retro looking furniture
Command Center: Throughout the silo are pieces of old non-working military machinery, and in this room the realtors even included yellow hard hats as an authentic decorative touch
Command Center: Throughout the silo are pieces of old non-working military machinery, and in this room the realtors even included yellow hard hats as an authentic decorative touch
Communal: The silo's bathroom, like its other rooms, is very simple. Resembling a public school bathroom, the water closet has a multiple-person sink
Communal: The silo's bathroom, like its other rooms, is very simple. Resembling a public school bathroom, the water closet has a multiple-person sink
The realtors have even stocked the house with yellow hard hats and army green jumpsuits for people who really want to get into the spirit of the complex.
Though the missile has long since been removed from the property, the empty air shaft can function as an impromptu skylight for the open-minded homeowner.
Built over 50 years ago the silo has the full amenities of modern living including a well drilled septic system, a propane water heater, cooling system for the whole house, and satellite dishes.
Military: The underground home has a wall adorned with clocks representing different time zones for the old occupants who potentially couldn't get out to see the light of day
Military: The underground home has a wall adorned with clocks representing different time zones for the old occupants who potentially couldn't get out to see the light of day
Equipment: Though it no longer works, the missile silo is filled with old monitoring equipment that imaginative residents can play with and pretend to be living in the bunker 50 years ago
Equipment: Though it no longer works, the missile silo is filled with old monitoring equipment that imaginative residents can play with and pretend to be living in the bunker 50 years ago
Authentic: The reality company hung olive green coveralls in the silo for those residents who want to get the full nuclear missile bunker experience
Authentic: The reality company hung olive green coveralls in the silo for those residents who want to get the full nuclear missile bunker experience
Other structures on the property include outbuilding, a storage shed, and a barn, for those who intent to farm on the property.
The only caveat is that living in a bunker can feel restrictive, as the rooms are located in the formed Launch Control Center and lit with hanging overhead lights and no natural light.
Tunnels: Occupants can move from room to room in the underground missile bunker by a series of low lit tunnels
Tunnels: Occupants can move from room to room in the underground missile bunker by a series of lit tunnels
Space: Aside from the living areas, the rest of the 185 feet deep structure is full of numerous rooms containing old operating stations and out-of-work control panels
Space: Aside from the living areas, the rest of the 185 feet deep structure is full of numerous rooms containing old operating stations and out-of-work control panels
Outdoors: On the expansive property, that includes a paved road to the silo, there is a barn, storage shed, outbuildings, and 8.3 acres of green grass and trees
Outdoors: On the expansive property, that includes a paved road to the silo, there is a barn, storage shed, outbuildings, and 8.3 acres of green grass and trees
Missile: Included in the realtor's listing as a diagram of the original Atlas missile that the silo housed during the Cold War
Missile: Included in the realtor's listing as a diagram of the original Atlas missile that the silo housed during the Cold War
But if occupants ever feel claustrophobic they can simply venture outside to explore the grounds and look out on to the pond or at the foliage dotted mountains in the distance.
And if there is ever a nuclear war, consider yourself prepared.


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