Tuesday, November 5, 2013


In the spring of 1940, an emboldened Germany asserted itself as a modern conqueror of nations, successfully invading and occupying six countries in fewer than 100 days. On April 9, 1940, Germany invaded Denmark, which capitulated in a mere six hours. At the same time, Nazi warships and troops were entering Norwegian waters, attacking ships, landing troops, and starting a conflict that would last for two months. On May 10, more than 2 million German troops on land and in the air invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands using blitzkrieg tactics. The smaller countries fell within weeks, but France held on until June 22, when it signed an armistice with Germany. Also during this period, the Soviet Union initiated staged elections in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, forcefully annexing them. By the end of the summer, German forces were digging in, building up, and planning for the Battle of Britain.
A German armored tank crosses the Aisne River in France, on June 21, 1940, one day before the surrender of France. (AP Photo)

Waves of German paratroopers land on snow-covered rock ledges in the Norwegian port and city of Narvik, during the German invasion of the Scandinavian country. (AP Photo) #

The remains of a naval battle in Narvik, Norway in 1940. Several battles between German and Norwegian forces took place in the Ofotfjord in the spring of 1940. (LOC) #

A group of German Gebirgsjägers (mountain troops) in action in Narvik, Norway, in 1940.(Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive) #

German soldiers move through a burning Norwegian village, in April 1940, during the German invasion. (AP Photo) #

Members of a British Royal Air Force bombing squadron hold thumbs up on April 22, 1940, as they return to home base from an attack on German warships off Bergen, Norway. (AP Photo) #

An aircraft spotter on the roof of a building in London, England, with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background. (National Archives) #

German bombs miss their targets and explode in the sea during an air raid on Dover, England, in July 1940. (AP Photo) #

Members of the Black Watch, one of the famed Scottish regiments, undergo rough training in South Coast sector of England, in 1940. The men were training to be combat parachutists. (AP Photo) #

The Royal Irish Fusiliers of the British expeditionary forces come to the aid of French farmers whose horses have been commandeered by the French Army. A tank is hitched to a plow to help with the spring tilling of the soil on March 27, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Belgian women tearfully have goodbye to husbands and sons leaving for the front line as the threat of invasion hung heavily over their homeland, on May 11, 1940. (AP Photo) #

A formation of German Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers are flying over an unknown location, in this May 29, 1940 photo. (AP Photo) #

A German soldier operates his antiaircraft gun at an unknown location, in support of the German troops as they march into Danish territory, on April 9, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Reconnaissance squads head the German advance into Luxembourg, on May 10, 1940. (AP Photo) #

German parachute troops descending on Fort Eben Emael in Belgium, on May 30, 1940, part of a larger surprise attack. (AP Photo) #

French soldiers load a piece of artillery in a wood somewhere in the Western Front on May 29, 1940. The shell will be fired into the Nazi-occupied sector of the soldiers' homeland. (AP Photo) #

A formation of German Dornier Do 17Z light bombers, flying over France on June 21, 1940.(Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive) #

German parachute troops man a machine gun post in the Netherlands, on June 2, 1940. This photo came from a camera found on German parachute troops who were taken prisoner. (AP Photo) #

Belgians blasted this bridge across the Meuse River in the town of Dinant, Belgium, but shortly, a wooden bridge built by German sappers was standing next to the ruins, on June 20, 1940. (AP Photo) #

A woman, fleeing from her home with the few possessions she can carry, takes cover behind a tree by the roadside, somewhere in Belgium, on May 18, 1940, during an aerial attack by Nazi planes. Her bicycle, with her belongings tied to it, rests against the tree, to which she clings for protection. (AP Photo) #

Hundreds of thousands of British and French troops who had fled advancing German forces massed on the beach of Dunkirk, France, on June 4, 1940, awaiting ships to carry them to England. (AP Photo) #

British and French troops wade through shallow water along the beach at Dunkirk, France on June 13, 1940 toward small rescue craft that will bring them to England. Some 700 private vessels joined dozens of military craft to ferry the men across the channel. (AP Photo) #

Men of the British Expeditionary Force safely arrive home after their fight in Flanders on June 6, 1940. More than 330,000 soldiers were rescued from Dunkirk in the mission code-named Operation Dynamo. (AP Photo) #

Oil tanks burn in Dunkirk, France, on June 5, 1940. The aircraft in the right foreground is an RAF Coastal Command Lockheed Hudson on patrol. (AP Photo) #

Aftermath of the British retreat in Flanders, Belgium on July 31, 1940. English soldiers lie dead beside their vehicles. (AP Photo) #

English and French prisoners of war sit near railroad tracks somewhere in Belgium in 1940.(Deutsches Bundesarchiv German Federal Archive) #

German troops parade in Copenhagen, Denmark on April 20, 1940 to celebrate Hitler's birthday. (AP Photo) #

Amsterdam, Netherlands. A Dutch father, who had been severely wounded in his head, hand, and leg, stares in horror at the mutilated corpse of his little girl 1940. (LOC) #

A dead German soldier, one of the many thousands who fell during the invasions of 1940, somewhere in France, on June 9, 1940.(AP Photo)

French tanks pass through a bombarded French town on their way to the front line in France, on May 25, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Women waving Union Jacks greet passing soldiers, all Canadians, as they march from the docks after disembarking in France on June 18, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Some of the 350 refugee British children who arrived in New York City on July 8, 1940, aboard the British liner Samaria. They were the first large contingent of English children sent from the isles to be free of the impending Nazi invasion. (AP Photo/Becker) #

German troops walk down a deserted street in Luxembourg, on May 21, 1940, with rifles, pistols and grenades ready to protect themselves. (AP Photo) #

Bombs let loose by the Royal Air Force during a raid on Abbeville Aerodrome -- now held by Germans -- in France, on July 20, 1940.(AP Photo) #

Refugees leave their ruined town in Belgium, after it had been bombed by the Germans, carrying what little of their personal belongings they managed to salvage, on May 19, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Nazi motorcyclists pass through a destroyed town in France in 1940. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive) #

A crowd of women, children and soldiers of the German Wehrmacht give the Nazi salute on June 19, 1940, at an unknown location in Germany. (AP Photo) #

Civilian victims of a German air raid near Antwerp, Belgium, on June 13, 1940. British troops said these people were cycling to work when German planes swept over, attacking and leaving them to die beside a wheat field. (AP Photo) #

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspects Britain's Grenadier guards standing at attention in front of Light Bren gun armored units in July, 1940. (AP Photo) #

An allied soldier thrusts the plunger of an explosive mechanism that will blast a bridge to delay the Nazi advance, in the Leuven region of Belgium, on June 1, 1940, before this area fell to the Germans. (AP Photo) #

A tandem bicycle carries a whole Belgian family of four with some of their belongings strapped to their backs, as they flee from the advancing Nazis into France, on June 14, 1940. (AP Photo) #

Adolf Hitler poses in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background, one day after the formal capitulation of France, on June 23, 1940. He is accompanied by Albert Speer, German Reichsminister of armaments and Hitler's chief architect, left, and Arno Breker, professor of visual arts in Berlin and Hitler's favorite sculptor, right. An unknown cameraman seen in the foreground is filming the event. Photo provided by the German War Department. (AP Photo/German War Department) #

French destroyer Mogador, in flames after being shelled during the British attack on Mers-el-Kebir, French Algeria, on July 3, 1940. After France signed an armistice with Germany, the British government moved to destroy what it could of the French Navy, trying to prevent the ships from falling into German hands. Several ships were badly damaged, one sunk, and 1,297 French sailors were killed in the attack.(Jacques Mulard/CC-BY-SA) #

Heavy mortars of Hitler's Army are set in position under cliffs on the French side of the English Channel, at Fecamp, France, in 1940, as Germany occupied France and the low countries. (AP Photo) #

A German soldier stands in the tower of the cathedral, gazing down upon the captured French city of Strasbourg on July 15, 1940. Adolf Hitler visited the city in June of 1940, declaring plans for the Strasbourg Cathedral, stating that it should become a "national sanctuary of the German people." (AP Photo)
These stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on.
The photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the war, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by emergency medical technician Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US.
The 19-year-old said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations.
He said: 'Essentially, it focuses on various nations' navies and or vessels in World War II, including the US Marines, Finnish Coastal Defence and the Royal Navy.
'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.
'I feel that photographs are the best way to restore that connection, but without colour they're just dusty, grainy, old archives. When I add the colour back in, people really seem to get the photo.'
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone.
'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said.
'Fortunately, it seems there's more of the former and less of the latter. There's still a lot of people who are shocked that something like this even exists. 'I think that's my favourite reaction, when I get to introduce someone to the whole concept.' 
The stunning photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the Second World War, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by 19-year-old Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US. Pictured: A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship on November 14, 1942
The stunning photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the Second World War, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by 19-year-old Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US. Pictured: A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship on November 14, 1942
The 19-year-old emergency medical technician said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations. Pictured above: A trio of troops are seen approaching an enemy patrol on the beach at Teikansaari on September 28, 1941
The 19-year-old emergency medical technician said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations. Pictured above: A trio of troops are seen approaching an enemy patrol on the beach at Teikansaari on September 28, 1941
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone. 'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said. Finnish seamen of minelayer Ruotsinsalmi lay contact mines in the Gulf of Finland on May 18, 1942
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone. 'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said. Finnish seamen of minelayer Ruotsinsalmi lay contact mines in the Gulf of Finland on May 18, 1942
A British Royal Navy T-class destroyer steams next to the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) during the world war in August 1945
A British Royal Navy T-class destroyer steams next to the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) during the world war in August 1945Share
The teenager hopes his images will appeal to younger generations and help offer another insight in the Second World War. He said: 'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.' US Marines speed toward the beaches of Iwo Jima in LVTs, February 19, 1945
The teenager hopes his images will appeal to younger generations and help offer another insight in the Second World War. He said: 'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.' US Marines speed toward the beaches of Iwo Jima in LVTs, February 19, 1945
The stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on thanks to Jared Enos from the US. Pictured above: The Finnish Coastal Defence Ship 'Ilmarinen' leaves for  a deployment on August 18, 1941
The stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on thanks to Jared Enos from the US. Pictured above: The Finnish Coastal Defence Ship 'Ilmarinen' leaves for  a deployment on August 18, 1941
The 19-year-old spent a  year transforming the images from their original state into these  colourful images. Pictured: Armored  tractors of a Marine battalion form into line as the first waves of the Leatherneck invaders commence the charge for the beach at Okinawa, April 1, 1945
The 19-year-old spent a year transforming the images from their original state into these colourful images. Pictured: Armored tractors of a Marine battalion form into line as the first waves of the Leatherneck invaders commence the charge for the beach at Okinawa, April 1, 1945

The years leading up to the declaration of war between the Axis and Allied powers in 1939 were tumultuous times for people across the globe. The Great Depression had started a decade before, leaving much of the world unemployed and desperate. Nationalism was sweeping through Germany, and it chafed against the punitive measures of the Versailles Treaty that had ended World War I. China and the Empire of Japan had been at war since Japanese troops invaded Manchuria in 1931. Germany, Italy, and Japan were testing the newly founded League of Nations with multiple invasions and occupations of nearby countries, and felt emboldened when they encountered no meaningful consequences. The Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, becoming a rehearsal of sorts for the upcoming World War -- Germany and Italy supported the nationalist rebels led by General Francisco Franco, and some 40,000 foreign nationals traveled to Spain to fight in what they saw as the larger war against fascism. In the last few pre-war years, Nazi Germany blazed the path to conflict -- rearming, signing a non-aggression treaty with the USSR, annexing Austria, and invading Czechoslovakia. Meanwhile, the United States passed several Neutrality Acts, trying to avoid foreign entanglements as it reeled from the Depression and the Dust Bowl years. Below is a glimpse of just some of these events leading up to World War II.

Adolf Hitler, age 35, on his release from Landesberg Prison, on December 20, 1924. Hitler had been convicted of treason for his role in an attempted coup in 1923 called the Beer Hall Putsch. This photograph was taken shortly after he finished dictating "Mein Kampf" to deputy Rudolf Hess. Eight years later, Hitler would be sworn in as Chancellor of Germany, in 1933. (Library of Congress)

A Japanese soldier stands guard over part of the captured Great Wall of China in 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Empire of Japan and the Republic of China had been at war intermittently since 1931, but the conflict escalated in 1937. (LOC) #

Japanese aircraft carry out a bombing run over targets in China in 1937. (LOC) #

Japanese soldiers involved in street fighting in Shanghai, China in 1937. The battle of Shanghai lasted from August through November of 1937, eventually involving nearly one million troops. In the end, Shanghai fell to the Japanese, after over 150,000 casualties combined. (LOC) #

First pictures of the Japanese occupation of Peiping (Beijing) in China, on August 13, 1937. Under the banner of the rising sun, Japanese troops are shown passing from the Chinese City of Peiping into the Tartar City through Chen-men, the main gate leading onward to the palaces in the Forbidden City. Just a stone's throw away is the American Embassy, where American residents of Peiping flocked when Sino-Japanese hostilities were at their worst. (AP Photo) #

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Japanese soldiers execute captured Chinese soldiers with bayonets in a trench as other Japanese soldiers watch from rim.(LOC) #

Chinese General Chiang Kai-shek, right, head of the Nanking government at Canton, with General Lung Yun, chairman of the Yunan provincial government in Nanking, on June 27, 1936. (AP Photo) #

On Feb. 5, 1938, A Chinese woman surveys the remains of her family, all of whom met death during Japanese occupation of Nanking, allegedly victims of atrocities at the hands of Japanese soldiers. (AP Photo) #

Buddhist priests of the Big Asakusa Temple prepare for the Second Sino-Japanese War as they wear gas masks during training against future aerial attacks in Tokyo, Japan, on May 30, 1936. (AP Photo) #

Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, center, hands on hips, with members of the fascist Party, in Rome, Italy, Oct. 28, 1922, following their March on Rome. This march was an act of intimidation, where thousands of fascist blackshirts occupied strategic positions throughout much of Italy. Following the march, King Emanuelle III asked Mussolini to form a new government, clearing the way towards a dictatorship. (AP Photo) #

Four Italian soldiers taking aim in Ethiopia in 1935, during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. Italian forces under Mussolini invaded and annexed Ethiopia, folding it into a colony named Italian East Africa along with Eritrea. (LOC) #

Italian troops raise the Italian flag over Macalle, Ethiopia in 1935. Emperor Haile Selassie's appeals the the League of Nations for help went unanswered, and Italy was largely given a free hand to do as it pleased in East Africa. (LOC) #

In Spain, loyalist soldiers teach target practice to women who are learning to defend the city of Barcelona against fascist rebel troops of general Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War, on June 2, 1937. (AP Photo) #

Three hundred fascist insurgents were killed in this explosion in Madrid, Spain, under the five-story Casa Blanca building, on March 19, 1938. Government loyalists tunneled 600 yards over a six-month period to lay the land mine that caused the explosion.(AP Photo) #

An insurgent fighter tosses a hand grenade over a barbed wire fence and into loyalist soldiers with machine guns blazing in Burgos, Spain, on Sept. 12, 1936. (AP Photo) #

German-made Stuka dive bombers, part of the Condor Legion, in flight above Spain on May 30, 1939, during the Spanish Civil War. The black-and-white "X" on the tail and wings is Saint Andrew's Cross, the insignia of Franco's Nationalist Air Force. The Condor Legion was composed of volunteers from the German Army and Air Force. (AP Photo) #

Scores of families are seen taking refuge underground on a Madrid subway platform, on Dec. 9, 1936, as bombs are dropped by Franco's rebel aircraft overhead. (AP Photo) #

Aerial bombing of Barcelona in 1938 by Franco's Nationalist Air Force. The Spanish Civil War saw some of the earliest extensive use of aerial bombardment of civilian targets, and the development of new terror bombing techniques. (Italian Airforce) #

Following an aerial attack on Madrid from 16 rebel planes from Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, relatives of those trapped in ruined houses appeal for news of their loved ones, Jan. 8, 1937. The faces of these women reflect the horror non-combatants are suffering in the civil struggle. (AP Photo) #

A Spanish rebel who surrendered is led to a summary court martial, as popular front volunteers and civil guards jeer, July 27, 1936, in Madrid, Spain. (AP Photo) #

A fascist machine gun squad, backed up by expert riflemen, hold a position along the rugged Huesca front in northern Spain, Dec. 30, 1936. (AP Photo) #

Solemnly promising the nation his utmost effort to keep the country neutral, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is shown as he addressed the nation by radio from the White House in Washington, Sept. 3, 1939. In the years leading up to the war, the U.S. Congress passed several Neutrality Acts, pledging to stay (officially) out of the conflict. (AP Photo) #

Riette Kahn is shown at the wheel of an ambulance donated by the American movie industry to the Spanish government in Los Angeles, California, on Sept. 18, 1937. The Hollywood Caravan to Spain will first tour the U.S. to raise funds to "help the defenders of Spanish democracy" in the Spanish Civil War. (AP Photo) #

Two American Nazis in uniform stand in the doorway of their New York City office, on April 1, 1932, when the headquarters opened. "NSDAP" stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or, in English, National Socialist German Workers' Party, normally shortened to just "Nazi Party". (AP Photo) #

About to be engulfed in a gigantic dust cloud is a peaceful little ranch in Boise City, Oklahoma where the topsoil is being dried and blown away during the years of the Dust Bowl in central North America. Severe drought, poor farming techniques and devastating storms rendered millions of acres of farmland useless. This photo was taken on April 15, 1935. (AP Photo) #

Florence Thompson with three of her children in a photograph known as "Migrant Mother." This famous image is one of a series of photographs that photographer Dorothea Lange made of Florence Thompson and her children in early 1936 in Nipomo, California. More on the photo here. (LOC/Dorothea Lange) #

The zeppelin Hindenburg floats past the Empire State Building over Manhattan on Aug. 8, 1936. The German airship was en route to Lakehurst, New Jersey, from Germany. The Hindenburg would later explode in a spectacular fireball above Lakehurst on May 6, 1937. (AP Photo) #

England's biggest demonstration of its readiness to go through a gas attack was staged, March 16, 1938, when 2,000 volunteers in Birmingham donned gas masks and went through an elaborate drill. These three firemen were fully equipped, from rubber boots to masks, for the mock gas "invasion". (AP Photo) #

Adolf Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy greet each other as they meet at the airfield in Venice, Italy, on June 14, 1934. Mussolini and his fascists put on a show for Hitler, but on the details of their subsequent conversations there was little news.(AP Photo) #

Four Nazi troops sing in front of the Berlin branch of the Woolworth Co. store during the movement to boycott Jewish presence in Germany, in March, 1933. The Hitlerites believe the founder of the Woolworth Co. was Jewish. (AP Photo) #

The Nazi booth at a radio exhibition which started in Berlin on August 19, 1932. The booth is designed as propaganda of the Nazi gramophone plate industry which produces only records of the national socialist movement. (AP Photo) #

Thousands of young men flocked to hang upon the words of their leader, Reichsfuhrer Adolf Hitler, as he addressed the convention of the National Socialist Party in Nuremberg, Germany on Sept. 11, 1935. (AP Photo) #

Adolf Hitler is shown being cheered as he rides through the streets of Munich, Germany, November 9, 1933, during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the National Socialist movement. (AP Photo) #

Hitler youth honor an unknown soldier by forming a swastika symbol on Aug. 27, 1933 in Germany. (AP Photo) #

The German army demonstrated its might before more than a million residents during the nationwide harvest festival at Bückeburg, near Hanover, Germany, on Oct. 4, 1935. Here are scores of tanks lined up just before the demonstration began. Defying provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany began rearming itself at a rapid rate shortly after Hitler came to power in 1933. (AP Photo) #

Thousand of Germans participate in the Great National Socialistic meeting in Berlin, Germany, on July 9, 1932. (AP Photo) #

A group of German girls line up to learn musical culture under auspices of the Nazi Youth Movement, in Berlin, Germany on Feb. 24, 1936. (AP Photo) #

Hitler's Nazi party convention, underway in Nuremberg, Germany, on Sept. 10, 1935. (AP Photo) #

America's Jesse Owens, center, salutes during the presentation of his gold medal for the long jump on August 11, 1936, after defeating Nazi Germany's Lutz Long, right, during the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Naoto Tajima of Japan, left, placed third. Owens triumphed in the track and field competition by winning four gold medals in the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes, long jump and 400-meter relay. He was the first athlete to win four gold medals at a single Olympic Games. (AP Photo) #

British Premier Sir Neville Chamberlain, on his return from talks with Hitler in Germany, at Heston airfield, London, England, on September 24, 1938. Chamberlain brought with him a terms of the plan later to be called the Munich Agreement, which, in an act of appeasment, allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. (AP Photo/Pringle) #

Members of the Nazi Youth participate in burning books, Buecherverbrennung, in Salzburg, Austria, on April 30, 1938. The public burning of books that were condemned as un-German, or Jewish-Marxist was a common activity in Nazi Germany. (AP Photo) #

Mass gymnastics were the feature of the "Day of Community" at Nuremberg, Germany on September 8, 1938 and Adolf Hitler watched the huge demonstrations given on the Zeppelin Field. (AP Photo) #

Windows of shops owned by Jews which were broken during a coordinated anti-Jewish demonstration in Berlin, known as Kristallnacht, on Nov. 10, 1938. Nazi authorities turned a blind eye as SA stormtroopers and civilians destroyed storefronts with hammers, leaving the streets covered in pieces of smashed windows. Ninety-one Jews were killed, and 30,000 Jewish men were taken to concentration camps. (AP Photo) #

View of one of the large halls of the Rheinmetall-borsig Armament factories at Duesseldorf, Germany, on August 13, 1939, where gun barrels are the main output. Before the start of the war, German factories were cranking out pieces of military machinery measured in the hundreds per year. Soon it climbed into the tens of thousands. In 1944 alone, over 25,000 fighter planes were built. (AP Photo) #

While newly-annexed Austria awaited the arrival of Adolf Hitler, preparations were underway. Streets were decorated and street names were changed. A workman in Vienna City square carries a new name plate for the square, renaming it "Adolf Hitler Place" on March 14, 1938. (AP Photo)
These stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on.
The photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the war, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by emergency medical technician Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US.
The 19-year-old said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations.
He said: 'Essentially, it focuses on various nations' navies and or vessels in World War II, including the US Marines, Finnish Coastal Defence and the Royal Navy.
'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.
'I feel that photographs are the best way to restore that connection, but without colour they're just dusty, grainy, old archives. When I add the colour back in, people really seem to get the photo.'
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone.
'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said.
'Fortunately, it seems there's more of the former and less of the latter. There's still a lot of people who are shocked that something like this even exists. 'I think that's my favourite reaction, when I get to introduce someone to the whole concept.' 
The stunning photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the Second World War, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by 19-year-old Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US. Pictured: A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship on November 14, 1942
The stunning photographs, which show British, American and Finnish troops off the coasts of Japan and Russia during the Second World War, as well as survivors being transferred between ships, have been colourised by 19-year-old Jared Enos, from North Kingstown, US. Pictured: A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship on November 14, 1942
The 19-year-old emergency medical technician said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations. Pictured above: A trio of troops are seen approaching an enemy patrol on the beach at Teikansaari on September 28, 1941
The 19-year-old emergency medical technician said he has spent the last year transforming the images from their original black and white state into these fascinating colourful images, which he hopes will give a better insight into the Second World War for younger generations. Pictured above: A trio of troops are seen approaching an enemy patrol on the beach at Teikansaari on September 28, 1941
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone. 'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said. Finnish seamen of minelayer Ruotsinsalmi lay contact mines in the Gulf of Finland on May 18, 1942
While colourisation has brought these pictures back to the public's attention, Mr Enos said hasn't gone down well with everyone. 'Colourisation is polarising. It seems that either people love the work and feel the connection or hate it and feel like it's not doing a service to the original photographs,' he said. Finnish seamen of minelayer Ruotsinsalmi lay contact mines in the Gulf of Finland on May 18, 1942
A British Royal Navy T-class destroyer steams next to the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) during the world war in August 1945
A British Royal Navy T-class destroyer steams next to the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) during the world war in August 1945Share
The teenager hopes his images will appeal to younger generations and help offer another insight in the Second World War. He said: 'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.' US Marines speed toward the beaches of Iwo Jima in LVTs, February 19, 1945
The teenager hopes his images will appeal to younger generations and help offer another insight in the Second World War. He said: 'I colourise to create a stronger, more tangible connection to our past. I feel that there is an enormous disconnect between my generation and the events that transpired in the mid-early 20th century.' US Marines speed toward the beaches of Iwo Jima in LVTs, February 19, 1945
The stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on thanks to Jared Enos from the US. Pictured above: The Finnish Coastal Defence Ship 'Ilmarinen' leaves for  a deployment on August 18, 1941
The stunning pictures of naval forces preparing for battle during the Second World War have been brought back to life 70 years on thanks to Jared Enos from the US. Pictured above: The Finnish Coastal Defence Ship 'Ilmarinen' leaves for  a deployment on August 18, 1941
The 19-year-old spent a  year transforming the images from their original state into these  colourful images. Pictured: Armored  tractors of a Marine battalion form into line as the first waves of the Leatherneck invaders commence the charge for the beach at Okinawa, April 1, 1945
The 19-year-old spent a year transforming the images from their original state into these colourful images. Pictured: Armored tractors of a Marine battalion form into line as the first waves of the Leatherneck invaders commence the charge for the beach at Okinawa, April 1, 1945

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