Monday, December 12, 2016

Narendra Modi Exposed As Agent of the Oligarch

New Delhi Buys $3B Worth of Weapons, Ammo From Russia, Israel

India has reportedly acquired some $3 billion of weapons after quietly purchasing ammunition, tank engines, anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers from Russia and Israel.
Indian military personnel drive Indian Army tanks as they take part in the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on January 26, 2014

Israel furnished a few thousand missiles and advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to India, while Moscow supplied New Delhi with tank parts, a few thousand anti-tank missiles and engines for the T90 tank, Indian’s chief battle vehicle. India also received multi-barrel rocket launchers from Russia.
The exact number of weapons has not been made public, but is said to be enough to arm both the Indian Army and Navy, and includes anti-personnel grenade launchers, high-explosive bombs, and armour for troop-carrying vehicles.
Under the leadership of senior officials, two “empowered committees” were dispatched to Israel and Russia toward the end of 2016 to make quick buys, known as  “off-the-shelf purchases.” The committees have the ability to negotiate and can make immediate buying decisions.
Most of the shipments are being airlifted from Israel and Russia to India.
The secretive purchases were likely spurred on by recent strikes by Indian Special Forces in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, as well as the aggressive stance of Islamabad’s military.
An unnamed senior official told Huffington Post India that, “It is wise to be prepared,” while another unnamed Ministry of Defence (MoD) senior official suggested that “The emergency purchases are aimed at replenishing and maintaining a minimum level of preparedness for any eventuality.”
Earlier this month Indian Army Staff Chief General Bipin Rawat told the media that obsolete weapons and a depleted stock, “in case of a two-front war is of concern.” By “two-front war” Rawat was describing a scenario in which New Delhi would simultaneously engage China and Pakistan in conflict. He added that India’s military is prepared to handle ongoing proxy wars in Kashmir and Jumma.
New orders continue to be placed as existing orders are delivered.

People have rightfully called Narendra Modi and his act, totally “demonic.”
Any simpleton can make the obvious deduction that the job of government is not to take the People’s gold, cash, material possessions, private wealth, tangible goods, and real property away from them, to be deposited into the government’s coffers so that they can be freely intermingled with the personal piggy bank accounts of the country’s oligarchs and central bankers, two flip sides of the same coin, as we are also seeing here in the United States more than ever over the past few decades.
So when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided a few weeks ago to issue executive orders ordering that small cash denominations and gold holdings by India’s massive Middle Class and Poor would now become a criminal offense, and that they must turn it into the government, he has now effectively and openly declared war on India’s huge and burgeoning Middle Class, one of the largest of any nation in the world, wherein the People fuel their economy with buying/spending, nurturing a rich and vibrant economy thereon.
Narendra Modi simply declared that anyone possessing 500 or 1000 rupee notes had to turn them in for new bills before December 31, 2016, and afterwards the money is worthless.
The problem is that Narendra Modi is only letting people replace a maximum of 4500 rupees of notes for cash.
Anything more than that has to be deposited, thus forcing people to either pay taxes or render their private savings (some for countless generations) absolutely worthless.
Even more egregiously and as a fundamental deprivation of the inalienable human rights and civil liberties of the People, anyone retaining 250,000 rupees (approximately $3,500) will be criminally prosecuted.
Narendra Modi, by this criminal act, has only proven the ultimate conspiracy theory that he is in fact an agent of the International Oligarchy/Plutocracy Deep State, and is their “man in India” of the international central bankers, who want to be the only ones who actually enjoy tangible wealth rather than worthless fiat paper currency whose value can be instantly decimated or increased with a stroke of a pen, or the tap of a computer keyboard on some central banker’s laptop.
According to ZeroHedge, “After declaring large denomination notes illegal, India now targets gold…It’s not just gold bars or bullion. The government has raided houses, no questions asked, confiscating jewelry.”(
Unfortunately the vast majority of India’s poor are either too uneducated, disorganized, disunited, or too powerless to do anything about this massive and organized criminal conspiracy against them – if this were to occur in the United States for example, there can be no doubt that the American People would not tolerate these acts by the unholy trinity of their Oligarchs, Corrupted Leaders, and Central Bankers.
Although Franklin Delano Roosevelt (“FDR”) did engage in this type of wholesale theft from the American People with his gold seizure Executive Order 6102 signed on April 5, 1933 “forbidding the ‘hoarding’ of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States,” the effect of which was to criminalize the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.
But FDR was able to successfully hoodwink the American people, who at the time, were much more innocent and pliable back then, by his hiding behind “American Patriotism” during a time of war (World War 2) and also because he was trying to deceive the American People into thinking that this was the only remedy to combat the burgeoning Great Depression, which was completely and totally wrought on purpose by the newly formed Federal Reserve Bank enacted in 1913, but which the American People had not yet figured out at the time, was neither “federal” nor a “reserve,” but was in fact a completely and privately owned family business, emanating out of London under the Rothschild Banking Cartel, and FDR was their American agent in the White House.
As noted Economist Jim Rickards has remarked, “the global elites are using negative interest rates and inflation to make your money disappear…The whole idea of the war on cash is to force savers into digital bank accounts so that their money can be taken from them in the form of negative interest rates.”
So to that end, armed with all of this history and hindsight, Narendra Modi has revealed himself to be the Devil Incarnate with this act – he is robbing the poor to give to the rich, which is the ultimate definition of evil.
This is an extremely dismal and disappointing development by a man who was touted as the “savior” and economic “liberalizer” of India, but has in fact revealed himself to be nothing but a tool of the Oligarchs/Plutocrats, placed into power in order to loot his own people and destroy his own country’s middle class, to drive them further into poverty, austerity, death, and destruction (just like Germany’s Angela Merkel, USA’s Barack Obama, UK’s David Cameron, Italy’s Matteo Renzi, and others recently being pushed out of office by the People in their Awakening to their wholesale rape and pillaging by the Oligarchy, now very much international in nature).
The traitor Narendra Modi overnight made approximately 85% of India’s entire currency completely and totally worthless, causing the middle class and the poor to take to begging in the streets, gas stations, and stores to fill their car tanks, or to even buy food.
People have rightfully called Narendra Modi and his act, totally “demonic.”
Modi has defended his criminal behavior by stating that he wanted to root out corruption and get rid of hidden money within the Indian Economy, but in reality this is exactly what constitutes private wealth vested within the Middle Class and the poor, who use it on a daily basis to live, survive, buy food and goods, and literally sustain their vibrant and private growth fueled economy – which is literally the lifeblood force of the Indian Middle Class and its economy – which Modi has now effectively killed on behalf of his Plutocratic paymasters.
600 million of India’s poor and uneducated don’t even have a bank account, and 300 million people don’t even have government identification, so this is also a type of “bird tagging” operation in order to eradicate personal freedom, as well as being a mass confiscation of “mom and pop money” being hidden under their mattress for a rainy day, and away from the big bad wolves of government corruption, thieving oligarchs, and other organized criminal figures.
The hypocritical and deceptive Modi ran on a “Minimum Government, Maximum Governance” election platform, and this is how he has treated his People.
Some of the catastrophic results of Narendra Modi’s ultimate betrayal are already in:
(1) daily wage laborers haven’t been paid due to the currency shortage;
(2) people are only eating one meal a day;
(3) farmers and vendors can’t sell their produce due to no cash to buy them with;
(4) produce has been ruined due to being spoiled;
(5) small businesses can’t operate without cash and are therefore going bankrupt;
(6) massive deaths have been reported as a direct result of Narendra Modi’s treachery.
Meanwhile Narendra Modi continues to enjoy wearing his $16,000 suits – a true “man of the people.”

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